How Old Is Jack?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

How Old Is Amelia?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Jack & Amelia
All dressed for church!
Their first official coordinating outfits!
Jack is in a stage now where he doesn't like to look at the camera when having his picture taken. :-(
 We had a trial run earlier in the week trying on Amelia's new green dress that I made for her, special for St. Patrick's Day.
We went to a get together at Tara's house for St. Patty's Day.
So fun having a sister that has a baby girl too!
 Eliana & Amelia in their green outfits.
Griffin (or Fin-fin as Jack calls him) and Jack eating yummy green popcorn at the party!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Little Hair Cut

Jack has the most beautiful curls! He had his first official haircut months ago but it was well past time for another cut. So today was the day for another cut.  It was just so hard to get rid of some of those curls though. Truthfully I had a hard time falling asleep last night knowing that it would be cut today. But I will say now that the new look still left him with plenty of hair and still plenty of curls.  He is still as cute as can be.  Ms. Paula (our neighbor and friend) came to our house to give him the cut.  He did great! Here are some before and after shots.
                                          Eating his yummy snack afterwards.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dressed in Pearls

I had fun doing a mini photo session today.
3 month old Amelia...

The Zoo

The kids and I took a trip to the Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville this week.
 This was Amelia's first trip to the zoo.  She dressed for the occasion in her giraffe socks, of course.
 Here is Jack checking out the giraffes.  It was near impossible to get a picture of him looking at the camera.  He was so interested in looking at the animals.
 I think his very favorite animals he saw were the turtles (or tortoises) of all things.  He knew just what they were and was so excited!
 Next were the lemurs, otherwise referred to by Jack as monkeys.
 Looking at the zebras
 Amelia enjoyed seeing the animals too!
 Me and my girl
 The kiddos and I
 Aunt Hannah showing Jack the camel
We took a break and had a picnic lunch.  Jack joined right in with the big kids on the picnic blanket.  So cute, when he saw his cousin Chandler laying down, Jack copied him and did the same thing!
 Our picnic lunch
 Jack & Mom
 Jack and Mom-mom checking out the giraffe
The girls and the flamingos.
Such a fun and beautiful day outside!

Mom-Mom & Pepa

Jack is in love with his Mom-mom and Pepa.  They live just a block away from us.  We can't walk out the front door without Jack asking to go walk to Mom-mom's house.  If he ever escapes from this house, I will know where to find him.  He knows the way to their house. Just yesterday as we were walking out the front door, I said, "Jack, want to go the the playground?"  His answer..."No. Mom-mom!"  Silly boy would rather go visit Mom-mom than go to the park.
With seeing them so often, I somehow don't end up getting many pictures of them together.  Need to get better about doing that.
 Amelia and Mom-mom

 Jack and Pepa

Jack took a last minute trip to Bass Pro Shops with Mom-mom and Hannah last night.  They sent me this cute picture of him while there.

Fun in March

I can't even believe that March is already half way over.  It has been a fun month. 
 Amelia is in the 'hold me at every moment' stage.  This baby k'tan carrier comes in handy if I want to get anything done or give my arms a break.
 Amelia is all smiles these days...unless of course you leave her unattended for any period of time, then, not so smiley.
 Pa-Pa and GramPam came to visit at the beginning of the month. 

 Jack loved playing with Daddy's remote control red jeep.
 Wrestle time with Jack, Java, and Dad.  Check out those shoes!
 It is a wonder why Amelia doesn't enjoy being left alone for any period of time without Mommy or Daddy.  I think I'd be a little nervous with a wild 2 year old boy close by too!
 Trying out the bumbo.  She looks like she likes it!
 Jack seems to think he would be good at taking over the chore of feeding the dog each day.  We are very appreciative of his willingness to help.  Now we just need to figure out how to get him to understand that she can only eat once a day and only fed 3 scoops of food, not an endless buffet all day long!
 Special time with the grandparents outside
 Jacks favorite outdoor toy - the lawn mower.  Sure wish that bubble blower mower really could mow the lawn.  We'd have no problem keeping the lawn cut short with as much mowing as Jack does with that thing!
 Every day Jack is asking to play with Barrett's helicopter.  This Saturday morning the 2 boys went outback to give it a try in the outdoors.
Boy time together
 Amelia is a lover of the outdoors.  She is always so calm and peaceful on our walks.  Here she is all snuggled up and asleep after a long walk.  She is wearing one of the hats Mom-mom made for her.
 I walked out to the living room to check on Jack and look where I found him.  The swing was on, the music was playing, and he was enjoying the ride while eating his snack.
 Jack got this new baseball hat and is doing so well actually keeping it on his head.  So precious!
 Can't believe this is my baby boy looking all grown up like a big boy!
Craft time - making a rainbow out of cereal for St. Patty's Day. His favorite part of the project was putting glue on the paper with the q-tip and then of course... eating the cereal.