Size of Baby: about 4 1/2 inches long. Last week the doctor said the baby was 4 ounces.
Maternity Clothes: Shorts, some shirts. Still love to wear my comfy stretchy pants and longer regular tops.
Gender: It's a BOY!!!
Movement: Haven't felt him move yet, but the books say it could happen anytime now. Most people I have talked to say it happened for them more around 20 weeks.
What I miss: Nothing. I love being preggo!
Sleep: I toss and turn a lot during the night, but sleep the best in a nice cool room with the fan blowing and a big extra pillow to snuggle with (and Barrett too.)
Symptoms: This week I have really begun to notice being out of breath at times - even when I have no reason to be out of breath.
Cravings: I would have to say pizza and artichokes! Mmmm, we are having artichokes again tonight with our dinner. I can't wait!
Aversions: I still don't like the thought of seafood.
Best moment of the week: I really feel like this week my tummy has started to pop out some. It is fun to know it is because of our baby boy is growing bigger and stronger.
What I look forward to: Hearing the little guys heartbeat tomorrow at my 16 week appointment!