How Old Is Jack?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

How Old Is Amelia?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9 Months Old

Jack is now 9 months old - 3/4 of a year! Jack is just as sweet as can be with his big blue eyes and head full of brownish (with a hint of red) hair. Just a few months ago he had no hair, so this is quite an accomplishment for him!
Jack wears size 2 diapers (but we are close to moving up to 3.) He wears size 3-6 or 6-9 month clothes. I have several size 9 and 12 month pants I thought he could wear once it gets cool out but I'm beginning to think he may not fit in them - they're too big! With him being so short I tried on a pair of 3 month jeans I had packed away from earlier this year and they fit perfectly for the length.

Here he is reading a book with daddy while waiting at the doctors office for his 9 month check up.

At 9 months:

Weight: 16 lbs. 2 oz. = 2 percentile

Length: 26.5 inches = 5 percentile

Once again, a small little guy! You don't look at him and think he is small. He still has rolls on his legs and tummy. It all evens out I guess with his weight and length being low. He looks just perfect!

On the way to the doctor I let him know he wouldn't be getting any shots today. I was wrong. He ended up getting a toe prick to check his iron level (which was a little low, but not much of a concern) and a flu shot. Poor guy! But he handled it well and was very brave!

His next check up isn't until he is a big one year old! How is that even possible?

Jack started taking baths in this big rubber ducky tub. It is the perfect size for him and has made bath time so much more enjoyable!

Jack sleeps about 10 hours a night (in his very own bedroom upstairs), going to bed around 8 or 9 at night. He takes a morning and afternoon nap lasting an hour or two each and sometimes slips in another short nap throughout the day. Jack has started some what pulling up. His favorite time to pull up is when someone is sitting on the floor with him, he will grab onto your leg or shirt and pull himself up to give you a hug (or at least I like to think he is trying to give me a hug.)

Within the past 2 weeks Jack has really picked up on his eating! He is now eating baby food, like for real this time! He will eat about 1/3 or a jar of food which is really good for Jack! His favorites are fruits. He doesn't like veggie baby food.

With eating so much more food he is also getting many more baths. That food gets everywhere!

The pediatrician also suggested that we start giving him more finger foods - just cut up whatever we are eating. So last night he ate a real dinner - roast, carrots, potatoes, corn, and a roll. He LOVED it! He ate almost all the food that was on this plate! And he slept great last night too since he had such a full tummy!

He uses his pointer finger and thumb to pick up the food. It doesn't all make it to his mouth but he gets better everyday!

He still nurses about every 3-4 hours. When given a bottle he eats 5-6 ounces. His thing right now is that when he is given a bottle, he thinks only mommy should be the one giving it to him. It is rare when he will allow anyone else to give it to him - daddy, grandparents, nursery workers. etc.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jack's Baby Dedication

On Sunday, September 25, 2011, we dedicated our little boy, Jack Ryan, to the Lord. We are so thankful for this precious gift that God has entrusted to us and promise to raise Jack in a home that honors the Lord. Our prayer is that one day Jack will make his own personal decision to ask Jesus into his heart. Jack, all dressed up in his big boy clothes for his big day.
Our family - Daddy, Mommy, and JackJack with Mom-mom and Pepa Jack with Pa-Pa and GramPam

Griffin and Jack

Griffin was also dedicated on Sunday.

Tara and I with the boys

It was so much fun going through our pregnancies together, having new babies at the same time, then now dedicating our baby boys on the same day.

Jack was able to have both sets of grandparents here to celebrate with us...

...along with Grandy - his great-grandmother!

Here Jack was introduced to the congregation (about 5,000 people) along with meeting the Pastor. Pastor Jack met baby Jack. I think they like sharing such a great name!

Listening to the dedication message

Our Week

GramPam and Pa-Pa came to stay with us this week. One weekend was Mackenzie's 8th birthday party and the next weekend was Jack's dedication at church, so we got a whole week of visiting together. GramPam and Jack reading books
Mackenzie, the birthday girl. Look at her ceiling - full of balloons!

Jack was excited to be at the party! Look at that excited face!

Jack playing with Pa-Pa.


More playtime with Pa-Pa.

Barrett got this swing hung up on our back patio this week, so now Jack can enjoy some nice fall evenings outside!

There is proof now that, yes, Java has licked Jack in the face.

Jack has really enjoyed eating this week too!

Dedication pictures are coming soon...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

38 Weeks

My how life can change in 38 weeks! Jack is now 38 weeks old. 38 weeks ago he was placed in our arms and we got to meet him face to face. Jack was also in my tummy for just 38 weeks, so he has now been in our arms for the same length of time that he was in my tummy.
This was the last weekly picture that was taken with Jack in my belly...he was born just days later!

Our sweet baby boy, Jack Ryan Walch after having spent 38 weeks on the inside.

Fishing Tournament 2011

Barrett got all geared up with his 4 fishing rods, pole holders, fish bait he caught with his bait net, stink bait, ice chest, and much more, all ready to fish away at the neighborhood fishing tournament! Barrett with his fishing gear
Throughout the tournament I only threw out one cast. It was one great cast because I caught this little guy.

Jack came properly dressed in his "Daddy's Little Fishing Buddy" shirt.

A lesson from Daddy on how to fish...

4 catfish + 1 bass = a good day of fishing!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sleeping in the Crib

Guess where Jack has been sleeping for the past week? In his very own room! His room upstairs has been all set for him since before he has even been born and now at 8 1/2 months old I was ready for him to move on up to his own bed. What made me make the move? Sounds weird, but it was all this cool weather we have had this week. I wanted to put the box fan in the window at night in our room and the window is right next to the pack n play in our bedroom downstairs. Didn't want him getting windblown and cold so we moved him upstairs. The first night he was up a few times. The problem was that he was getting his arms and legs stuck between the slats in the crib (the bumpers were out because I am paranoid about suffocation.) The next day I went out and bought the mesh breathable bumper pad. For the last week he has slept perfectly! No more getting stuck in the slats! He has been going to bed around 9 or 10 and sleeping until 7 or 8am! He really loves it! He has only gotten up once during the night this whole week asking for his paci, which is good for Jack. In the pack n play he would wake up at least once a night wanting the paci. Jack is loving sleeping in his own room!
This is how he gets comfortable and falls asleep most nights- rolls onto his side.

Sweet dreams baby boy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gone Fishing

Barrett has spent much of his summer fishing. Many evenings and mornings he would pack up all his fishing gear and find a spot at the nearby Lewisville Lake to fish. With it being 100+ degree days outside, I had no desire to go out fishing with him at all. But tonight with it being the perfect temperature outside, I suggested that we hop in the car and that he show me a place or two where he has been fishing these last few months. All I can say is - WOW! What a calm, peaceful, quiet, and perfect place to relax (minus the bugs!) My fisherman fishing away in the sunset.
There were fish jumping up all over the place in the water. There were no catches tonight though.

Jack and I sat on the shore watching Daddy fish.

The 2 fishermen!

Jack sure had fun watching his Daddy fish!

Can you tell that Jack is always moving? Look at those hands and feet on the move.

Here is some of the scenery in the area. We were sitting in the chair on this pathway. Barrett was fishing to the right, down a little rocky hill.

In the distance was the new toll bridge.

To the left of the path from the other picture were lots of trees leading up to more water. It was more like a beach type area - without the sand.

The moon

It was so nice to be outside for the evening and get to spend some time enjoying the place where Barrett has been fishing. I can see why he enjoys it so much!