Friday, February 19, 2016

Christmas Time

We started off the month with Amelia's 3 year check up at the doctor.  She is a healthy and growing girl!
Next we were off to the Art Museum for their kids day on the first Tuesday of each month.  While downtown, we went to play at Clyde Warren Park.  It was a chilly day but nice to be outside.  Daddy just happened to have to go into his office that day, so the kids were able to see where what his big office building looked like (that big building in the background.)

Playing in blue goo at the art museum
Puppet play

Drawing on an easel
Snowflake art
All that paint and somehow we made it home with clean clothes!
On the drive home we stopped at the old Weirs Country store near downtown.  Candy galore!!!!
And you can't have a trip to Weirs without a box of popcorn
Another trip to the doctor with mommy to check on the baby sister
Our neighborhood hosts a pancake breakfast one weekend before Christmas.  Frosty, Rudolph, and Santa come too so we can get pictures with them.

Amelia wasn't a fan of Santa this year so we ended up with a family picture with Santa this year.
Jack loved seeing Santa and was happy to chat for a while.  Prior to seeing Santa Jack said he was going to ask Santa for a truck.  But when he got to Santa, he told him he wanted a gun.  Uummmm, not sure where that came from!  You never know what will come out of children's mouths.

I took part in a craft fair with my friend Rachel.  It was very last minute but we had fun making stuff spur of the moment.  It wasn't the most successful sale we've done, but it was still fun!
So, what do you do with your pumpkins after fall?  I had seen this idea so figured we'd give it a try.  We painted our pumpkins white, stacked them on top of each other and decorated them to look like snowmen. Not sure I'd go through the trouble other years, but it was fun to try!
We went to Grandy's church for their choir concert.  Amelia sang along with her hymnal.  So precious hearing her sing along.
We always love going to see the big dancing Christmas light show by the library in Frisco.  We always find a nice place to park at the end of the street and sit through all the songs.  I love this tradition.

We spent one day having a "potty party" for Amelia!  This was the pediatricians idea.  We went all out with balloons, snacks & prizes. 
We watched Daniel Tigers "Potty" episode (along with other shows throughout the day). While she watched she sat on her potty.  She really wanted to sit on the couch but I sure didn't want her having an accident on the couch so we put the little potty on the couch for her to sit on.  Whatever works!
After MANY hours of refusing to go, she finally went for the first time!!! Big deal for this little strong willed girl! We celebrated and made a big deal about it! 
Jack completed one of his school books! So proud of this little guy and all the hard work he does in his school.
Playing in and raking the leaves
We filled up 3 bags full of leaves! So excited for when the great grandparents, Mimie & Papa, move into that house across the street from us. It will be a real treat having them so close.
It's official. There is a real boy living in our house that wants to play tricks on his mother.  I opened a drawer in my dresser one day and look what I found.  A plastic SPIDER sitting on my shirt.  Where did he ever get this idea? Sneaky boy!
We went to the North Campus of church one evening and had fun with all the Christmas activities they had lined up for everyone.
Cookie Decorating
Stories with Mrs. Clause
Rudolph, along with a polar express train ride, craft, letters to and pictures with Santa, and the most exciting part - an ice show!
We were able to sit in the audience this year and watch the Gift of Christmas Choir performance this year!  Other years we are participating in it but with being 7 months pregnant and a bit miserable, we decided to sit it out this year.  It was a real treat getting to just relax and watch it.  What an amazing sight!

I loved getting to see the kids faces as they watched.  They were captivated!

Silly Christmas kids

The trips to the hot chocolate machine are always a highlight of our trips to the doctors office with mom.
Amelia's new favorite breakfast...oatmeal.  She likes to make it "all by herself"
We went to McKinney Trade Days.  Amelia got this new doll and is in love with it!
What a sight! My 3 favorite people having story time together. :)
One day during the Christmas season the boys and girls split up our shopping to do list and spent the day shopping.  This cutie was my shopping buddy.
Is this a girl or what?  She was picking out what pajamas she wanted to wear...and the end result was all the clothes being pulled out of the drawer.  I guess she just couldn't decide!
We made it just days away from 5 years without a trip to the ER with any of our children.  But on the evening of one of our Christmas celebrations, Jack had a fall and split his lip open.  We took him to Children's hospital and he ended up getting one stitch.  He was so brave but super disappointed once he realized the Christmas party we had been at was over and he had missed it.  Poor little guy.
In this picture he was all drugged up to relax him before getting the stitch.  He thought that red light they attached to his finger was the coolest thing ever and wanted to keep it on forever.  Its an odd thing how certain medications can effect you.
All done! Now he just had to wear a band-aid over the stitch for the next week or so (of course over Christmas and his birthday when we would be taking lots of pictures.) But he was a sport and handled it all SO well!
Ice Cream Treat
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve with our family of 4 on the outside and one on the inside :)
Eliana and Amelia in their Christmas jammies on Christmas eve
All ready for bed before Santa comes
Our Living room - Christmas Morning 2015
Jack left a note for Santa and a cookie
Christmas morning - ready to come downstairs
Here we come!
Presents!Jack loved his construction truck
and Amelia loved her new doll house!
Our walk to Mom-Mom and Pepa's house Christmas morning - Amelia in her pink car, Jack on his new tractor, a wagon full of gifts, and a new bike (a gift for someone).  Quite the load for our walk to their house but easier than trying to fit it all in the car.  Thankful for beautiful weather this Christmas morning.

The Craig Family gathering Christmas morning
Playing with some new toys
Lunch tastes better while wearing your new helmet apparently
Christmas Day - 30 weeks along in this pregnancy
Playtime with Aunt Hannah

We celebrated Christmas with the Walch side of the family the next day
Another fun day!
It also just happened to be Jack's 5th birthday!
So many desserts!!! There is never a lack of sweets when you get together with this family.
We had a surprise mini snow the next day
This shows how the weather was the week of and after Christmas. No joke! It was crazy!
Amelia decided to wear some of Jack's birthday cupcake. Like for real. By the end of it she was covered - smeared all over her arms and everything. Time for a bath!
Another trip to the galleria. Such a girly girl with all her accessories.
What a season. It flew by and we were busy the entire time! All fun of course!

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